Khate Released

We are so grateful to share this song with all of you guys. This song is more than a song for us. Every words have so much emotions and so much more meanings about life. We solely dedicate this whole song for our entire Nepali fans all over the world. We thank you for your unlimited love and support throughout this time. We are definitely blessed. STORY BEHIND THE SONG Born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. I still remember when I was teenager, I used to see so many street kids hustling and struggling everyday and everyone for the money and food. We also widely called them as “KHATE” .

There is nothing wrong with the word but they way we use it to demean people on very discriminating way, that’s the real issue. This song is all about me depicting a life of street kids through my eyes. Please correct me if I am wrong. We all go through many phases of life but some of the strong ones can overcome quickly where rest of them suffers. So, I just think these are the people who couldn’t overcome the huddles, who were denied love and support and completely segregated from the society.

Help always don’t be to be financial, there are so many things we can provide beside money. If we don’t help our fellow country people then who is? This whole thing started when I came across to a documentary few years back and it just hit me really hard and got me thinking. Although the documentary was old but I could definitely relate it cuz it was from my motherland. I had an instant urge to write something and that’s how we came out with this song. We are not trying to prove or change anything from this song because change comes within itself but if we can respect each other and love each other then we can definitely create a better world around us. We think love can heal anyone and anything in this world. We would like to thank each and everyone who were part of this project. Everyone who liked this song so much and encourage us to record it.
We did it !!!!!!

SONG LYRICS: कहिले आकाशले सताउछ कहिले बादलले तडपाउछ निन्द्राले छोप्न खोज्छु सपनाले झस्काउछ बिचल्लीमा परिसंके अब मुटु फडफडउछ कता मात्र टाल्ने हो हरेक कुना मा घाउ छ न खानलाई कहीं छ न बस्नलाई ठाँउ छ सहियोगमा नाममा केवल नबोल्ने मुर्ति र मान्छेको लाश छ अझै पनि केहि राम्रो हुन्छ कि भन्ने आश छ यहाँ राक्षस भन्दा बढी मान्छे बाट त्रास छ मनमा कैयौं प्रश्नहरु अनगिन्ति भड़ाश छ सुन्ने धेरै छन् दुनियामा तर गर्नेको अभाभ छ यहाँ मायाले होइन सधै पैसाको राज छ यहाँ राक्षस भन्दा बढी मान्छे बाट त्रास छ I

Credits : SONG BY : NepCali VFX/EDITING

/ANIMATION: JANISH JOSHI (jjMotionFx) PHOTO: ADITI JOSHI VIDEO ASSIST: SAROJ BHANDARI RECORDED AT: DEVERO SOUND EXPERIENCE MIXING/MASTERING: MOOSECAT RECORDING Copyright © 2020 NepCali. All rights reserved. Unauthorized replication, reproduction in whole or in part in any manner of any content related to this video including reaction videos is not permitted without the permission of the copyright owner. The materials contained are protected by United States copyright law and may not be distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written consent of NepCali. Please get in touch with the owner at his business email.


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